Easy navigation and amazing design


Would you like to have your business to be assessable online? Do you need help to create a layout and design for your website
cnicholsdesign can help you design and create a website with the content you want to share and help you reach more clients or customers.

We use WordPress for all our website designs, which is one of most popular programs to build and design websites. It offers mange free plugins and features that helps keeping to lower the cost of creating a website.

Website process and pricing

Open conversation

We talk about your needs and goals for the website to create a perfect website design for your business.

After the meeting we will process the information and the design of the website and give you an estimate and price for the website.

Website design start up

We will find the right design and platform for your website design and start creating so it fits your company.
If you already have an exciting website and would like to change the design and give your website a update we will transfer your data to a webhost cnicholsdesign uses.

Website handover

The website is ready for review and approval. We hope you will be happy with the end results.
If there should be any update or corrections we will fix it.